Relativistic Reactive Riemann problem solver for Deflagrations and Detonations

A code built to extend standard solutions of the relativistic Riemann Problem to include a reaction term. It was published in JOSS.

Models of ideal hydrodynamics, where there is no viscosity or dissipation, can have solutions with discontinuities such as shocks. A simple case is the Riemann Problem, where two constant states are separated by a barrier. After the barrier is removed the solution develops, with waves (such as shocks and rarefactions) separating constant states.

The Riemann Problem has three main uses. Efficient, often approximate, solvers are an integral part of many modern hydrodynamic evolution codes. Second, the exact solution is a standard test for such codes. Finally, the solver can illustrate features of discontinuous solutions in more complex scenarios.

This code is intended for exploring possible solutions and relativistic effects, or for comparing against a compressible code with reactive sources. It is optimized for use with Jupyter notebooks. It is not intended for use within a HRSC evolution code: the performance is far too poor, and the assumptions made too extreme.